
7 2018

NCJW Membership Luncheon: Chat, Chop & Chardonnay!

12:30PM - 2:30PM  

Temple Israel

Join us as we meet prospective members, welcome new members, and celebrate long-timers. We will enjoy lunch, sip chardonnay, and watch Chef Teri Appleton prepare a delicious dish while entertaining us with healthy cooking tips! No cost for members of NCJW. The $10 cost for non-members can be applied to dues if guest joins NCJW at the event. RSVP contact info: leave a message at (657) 235-2511 or email us at membership@ncjwlongbeach.org 

Teri Appleton, co-owner of Chef Tech Cooking School in Long Beach, is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, N.Y. She also studied Spanish at UCLA, in Guadalajara, Mexico, and Cali, Colombia. She is an award-winning pastry chef, head chef, and recipe formulator.  She studied authentic Mexican cooking in Veracruz and Oaxaca with culinary superstar Rick Bayless. Teri has been working in professional kitchens and teaching people to cook for the last 25 years. 

Sponsor: NCJW Long Beach